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How to Take Control of Your Power Usage and Save Money on Utility Bills

Utility companies across the country are raising rates and implementing peak-hour charges for electricity usage. As a result, many homeowners are seeing higher bills each month, and are feeling powerless against these increases. But fear not, there are ways to take control of your energy usage and avoid overages.

In this article, we will explore how to take your power back over utility companies raising rates and tracking your energy consumption during peak hours of the day. We will also introduce Net Metering Services, a one-stop-shop for all things solar, offering wholesale direct to the public pricing with installation, leasing programs, and full off-grid solutions for both residential and commercial clients.

Why Are Utility Companies Raising Rates?

Before we dive into how to take control of your energy usage, it’s important to understand why utility companies are raising rates in the first place. There are several factors at play, including:

  • Increasing demand for electricity as populations grow
  • The cost of maintaining and upgrading infrastructure
  • Fluctuations in the cost of fuel for power generation
  • Net Metering Laws require your utility copany to convert a minimum of 5% its residential customers to renewable sources of energy by 2025. This results in a loss of revenue as more homeowners decide to switch.

As a result, utility companies are passing these costs onto consumers in the form of rate hikes and peak hour charges.

What Are Peak Hour Charges?

Peak hour charges are fees that utility companies charge for electricity usage during times of high demand. These charges are typically higher than standard rates, and can add up quickly if you’re not careful.

Peak hours vary depending on your location, but they generally fall between 2 pm and 7 pm on weekdays. During this time, businesses are still running and households are using more energy for cooking, cleaning, and entertainment. By charging higher rates during these hours, utility companies are hoping to incentivize consumers to use less energy during peak times.

How Can You Avoid Peak Hour Charges?

Fortunately, there are several ways to avoid peak hour charges and reduce your overall energy usage. Here are some tips to get you started:

  • Adjust your schedule: Try to shift high-energy activities, such as laundry or cooking, to non-peak hours.
  • Invest in energy-efficient appliances: Look for appliances with the Energy Star label, which are designed to use less energy and save you money in the long run.
  • Use smart thermostats: Smart thermostats can be programmed to adjust the temperature of your home based on your schedule, ensuring that you’re not using unnecessary energy during peak hours.
  • Install solar panels: By generating your own energy with solar panels, you can reduce your reliance on the grid and avoid peak hour charges altogether.

By implementing these strategies, you can reduce your energy usage during peak hours and avoid overage charges.


Q: How do I know when peak hours are?

A: Most power companies will provide information on peak hours, or you can check your bill or call your power company to find out.

Q: What is net metering?

A: Net metering is a system where solar panel owners can feed any excess electricity they generate back into the grid and receive credits for it. This can help offset your energy costs and allow you to avoid peak hour charges.

Q: Is it expensive to install solar panels?

A: The initial cost of installing solar depends on a number of factorsbut it can save you money in the long run by reducing your reliance on the grid and avoiding peak hour charges. Net Metering Services offers wholesale direct to the public pricing with installation and leasing programs to make it more affordable and the time it takes to see a return on your investment will be less. They even offer a program called “The Free Energy Initiative” which is designed to offset the cost of your solar system and potentially get free energy for life.

How Can Net Metering Services Help You Save Money?

Net Metering Services offers a range of solutions to help you reduce your energy usage and save money on your utility bills. Whether you want to install solar panels on your roof or switch to a full off-grid solution, Net Metering Services has you covered. Here are some of the services we offer:

  1. Wholesale direct-to-the-public pricing with installation: Net Metering Services offers wholesale direct-to-the-public pricing with installation, making it easy and affordable to switch to solar energy.
  2. Leasing programs: If you don’t want to make the initial investment and upkeep of solar panels, Net Metering Services offers leasing programs that allow you to switch to solar energy without any upfront costs.
  3. Full off-grid solutions: Net Metering Services offers full off-grid solutions for both residential and commercial clients, allowing you to completely disconnect from the grid and save money on your utility bills.
  4. $0 money out of pocket: With Net Metering Services, you can switch to solar energy and start saving money on your utility bills with $0 money out of pocket.

Q: How much can I save by switching to solar energy?

A: The amount you can save by switching to solar energy depends on various factors such as your location, energy usage, and the size of your solar panel system. However, on average, homeowners can save up to 20% on their utility bills by switching to solar energy.

Q: Will I still be connected to the grid if I switch to a full off-grid solution?

A: No, a full off-grid solution means that you will completely disconnect from the grid and rely solely on solar energy to power your home or business.

Utility companies are raising rates and tracking your energy consumption during peak hours of the day, which can lead to overages and higher bills. But by adjusting your usage habits, upgrading to energy-efficient appliances, installing solar panels, and using Net Metering Services, you can take control of your energy usage and avoid peak hour charges. With these strategies, you can reduce your energy costs and enjoy a more sustainable future. So what are you waiting for? Contact Net Metering Services today and take your power back!

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